Be inspired by creators using Substack video in innovative ways. Find at least one way you might use video in your Substack. Get the most inexpensive, time-efficient way to produce video.
As you watch the replay, I want you to imagine how video might be a way to connect more deeply with your subscribers and yourself. If you’re already doing it, maybe go deeper.
, , and . It was so fun to put this together and see the great video that’s out there, the types and genres video tends to fall into, and the many innovative ways Substackers new to video might use it in their own Substacks.Workshop highlights:
1. Be inspired by creators using Substack video in innovative ways
We go through the video artists chosen for Substack’s Creator Studio, and you get to choose your favorite:
- , Night Out
Coco Mocoe, Coco Mocoe
- , Movies Are Therapy
- , The Vintage Vault
Miguel Peña, Build a Boy Workshop
- , Patrick Hicks Music Stories
- , The Curl Diaries
- , With Love, Jeauni Cassanova
- , The God Pod
2. Find at least one way you might use video in your Substack (or double down on how you’re using it)
- Talking/thought-wandering/touching base with your subscribers
- Workshops, co-working sessions, silent retreats, writing groups, etc.
This video from Substack Writers at Work
- Memoir documentary
- , Not So Perfect Pitch (from ’s One Word)
- Responding to subscribers’ questions
Priya Joi,
- Food and travel sensory stimulation
- Introducing a written post
- Video essays
- Author reading (and essay)
- Interview/conversation/podcast
3. Get the most inexpensive, time-efficient way to produce video
A simple, inexpensive way to produce video that isn’t flashy or self-indulgent and expresses you. (I believe in zero-to-little overhead for your Substack.)