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Newbies, introduce yourselves!

Veterans, welcome those new to Substack!

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Great idea, Sarah, our Queen of Generosity and Substack advocacy! 👑+📣

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So fun! My substack is the Quingdom, where I write about my path of learning to live as a Quing ... a female King, in the 21st century. I'm just getting started, and grateful to have found y'all. It could all shift after my 1:1 with Sarah - I never go it alone, when I can get help from someone who has been there done that, so if you want to see the rise from the beginning, and what changes, check out the messy beginning here:


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Wow, Ali, amazing story! Academic life (at least in my field) is so sealed off from the world of money-making that to me, what you've done reads like the adventures of someone with superpowers!

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I love that Elizabeth! Thank you for the reflection. Sometimes I feel as if I have superpowers, honestly. But, they are also superpowers available to all who want to have them, and I have a sense in the coming years it will become more and more important. Thank you for reading!

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Interesting! Subscribed.

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deletedJan 5
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Hi Mark! I created a directory of Substacks focused on recovery and sobriety that might interest you. We are 92 writers so far, spanning diverse ages, backgrounds, areas of focus, paths of recovery, etc. My own Substack is called Sober Soulful. Here's the directory; I'm happy to add you once you're up and running: https://danaleighlyons.substack.com/p/sober-substack-addiction-recovery-sobriety

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deletedJan 7
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Thanks, Mark!

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Ah, perfect timing, I just posted chapter one of my fantasy epic Tranith Argan. Free to subscribe, and I sincerely hope you enjoy the weekly adventure:


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I'm always interested in a fellow serial fiction writer!

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Thanks, subscribed to my fellow writer.

That’s my view, subscriptions here are more valuable than likes.

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Oh!! Another one! Yes!!! I'm subscribed to see how you do and to read your work!!

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Welcome...I'm hardly a veteran but again, welcome!

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Thank you. We are all in this together. We support and cheer each other on, which is what I like most about Substack.

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Hi, all! My Substack is THE RAFT (https://phylliscoledai.substack.com), where we "ride the river of life, buoyed by the arts and spiritual practice." I'm a multi-genre author and curator and I've been on Substacking for a year. Love learning from other people and happy to chip in comments/questions from my own experience as well!

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Thank you! I'd love your help answering questions in here. Much appreciated!

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Hi Phyllis,

Thanks for your willingness to share.

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Hi Phyllis -- your writing looks very compelling. Looking forward to reading more!

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Thanks for your kind attention! I hope you find some "good medicine" in my work.

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Welcome and looking forward to checking out The Raft.

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Thanks so much, Jennifer! Hope to see you there!

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Awesome, Phyllis. Looking forward to checking out your stuff. :)

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Thank you, Holly!

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This looks so cool and very in line with my interests! Encouraging to see!!

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Thanks, Imola! Best wishes for your Substack!

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Hello, Sarah and fellow writers at work! I'm Jennifer Bochik, a new writer who started writing to process grief. I created my Substack, Human Being, almost a year ago. It's mainly personal essays and inspirational musings about life in progress. I now realize how much I love writing and creating a community. I'm hoping to learn and grow here with writers at work.


I also started taking writing classes at a local organization, Literary Cleveland https://www.litcleveland.org/.

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Love your stuff Jennifer! We have a lot in common. I'm based in Akron, a meditation teacher and coach. I sit on the board of Yoga Alliance, and wrote a book (not Sparkle and Sine ON which I love btw).... Permission to Glow— A Spiritual Guide to Epic Leadership. You're doing awesome work and you've inspired me to push out our first substack newsletter next week. Hope to cross paths. -KC

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Kristoffer! Wow! I love it. I will be your first subscriber, with pleasure, I might add. You got this!!

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Yoga Alliance member here!! Look forward to following your work here! 😁

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Love the energy you work you two are doing! I’m a fellow Clevelander too🎉 we live and run our business in Chagrin Falls✨

Cheering you both on!

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My husband is a CF native and CF high school grad class of ‘91. Just subscribed and happy to connect here! We live in Cleveland Heights now.

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No way! Small world! If you’re ever in town let me know! We could get a coffee or tea and connect!

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More yoga and meditation! Huw wonderful!

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I'd love to add that Literary Cleveland (https://www.litcleveland.org/) offers amazing online classes for writers. They also host a stellar free writer's conference every year. Worth a look!

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Oooh, that’s a great resource. Thank you!

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Hi Jennifer, this all really resonates. I've subscribed, and am looking forward to following along!

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Thank you, Rob! You're writing is beautiful. Keep posting! Btw I went to HS near you in Middletown, NY. What a beautiful part of the country!

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Another OCer in the house. Grew up outside of Goshen.

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I love your Substack tagline Rob: "...to help us ask better questions..." A brilliant perspective that turns the human tendency—to fix problems or fix one another—on it's head :)

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Thanks so much, Helen--funnily enough, my latest post is about being a fixer. "The Stories We Are" is a brilliant newsletter name, by the way. Subscribed and looking forward to reading!

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Thank you Rob! I love the serendipity re: your latest post and my comment. I'll be making sure to read that one :)

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Welcome Jennifer, will check out Human Being...nice work.

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Loving your work!! 💖✨

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Welcome! Subscribing now.

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Inspiring undertaking! Love the concept!

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My path sounds very similar to yours Jennifer; it was the processing of grief that led me into writing too. I look forward to reading more of your posts and to writing alongside you in 2024 :)

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Hi all! Substack is called Moth to Flame. My main focus is criminal justice, mass incarceration and Alabama's ongoing struggle with the feds over unconstitutional prisons. Nothing is paywalled, but I'm hoping to increase paid subscribers this year.


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Love the name of your Substack!

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Oh I'm so glad to hear. I've considered renaming it to make it less esoteric, but you just nudged me into keeping it. Thank you Sarah!

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I would agree. Naming is everything. "Moth to Flame" attracts... :)

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Another vote for Moth to Flame! Great name.

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what a fascinating topic - have you written about why this subject calls to you (I did see your 'about')? I'd love to read that and I know there's a lot in 'popular branding' around sharing your 'why' -- could bring more paid subs?

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Hey Laura! This is so helpful. I have written about why this subject calls to me, both on and off substack, but that seems to be a topic worth revisiting, interrogating and unpacking. I have an "essays" section where I explore the intersection of my own life/thinking/evolution and the focus of my work. But your suggestion makes me think I need to do a more complete "origin story" piece. Thanks so much!


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that's great - I'm glad it resonated. a few months back, I scrolled by something that said "people don't buy WHAT you do, they buy WHY you do it" and it didn't ring as 100% true, but true enough to rattle in my brain. (I think in part due to the whole Simon Sinek "why" moment that all the tech bros had in 2017 or so.) Anyway - I would understand if, with your reporting background, it felt 'off' to write from the first person, but I know it would be something I'd love to read --- so I'll go check out this linked piece now! Thanks~~~~

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This really landed for me as well, "people don't buy WHAT you do, they buy WHY you do it". Thank you for your post :)

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I'm so happy to find YOUR fascinating work. I love first person narrative journalism, especially on difficult subjects. Diving into your substack!

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I just read your piece on Alabama prisons and the state's punishment culture.


It's a compelling piece. I subscribed. I think it's vital to support local investigative journalism like yours.

All 50 states have their share of crime and injustice. But certain states have set themselves up to maximize injustice. I think publicizing these issues may eventually offset how easy and inexpensive it is to do business in places like Alabama.

When CEOs start telling the state government that no one wants to move to Alabama because of (fill-in-the-blank) or decide to move away from Alabama because the culture is too violent and unfriendly (to women in particular)then perhaps there will be change.

In my Substack, Sparks From Culture, I write personal issues about my life and that are often keyed off a piece of writing that strikes me.

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David, thank you so very much for the words of encouragement, for becoming a PAID subscriber (!) and for the wonderful blurb you shared about why you subscribed. I sincerely appreciate this from the bottom of my heart. And I am diving into your substack!

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Welcome! Powerful stuff. Good work.

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You’re awesome. Thank you for being in here helping!

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Beth -- I have a major interest in Norway's justice system where rehabilitation is more important than punishment, with the greater good being more important than getting our pound of flesh. How enlightened that is that fits in with my looking at how to become a more enlightened world: https://suzannetaylor.substack.com/p/this-could-be-a-game-changer. Yesterday this must-read was in the L.A. Times: "New vision of incarceration proves rehabilitation works": https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2023-12-26/chabria-column-los-angeles-state-prison-re-entry-facility-rehabilitation.

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Amazing! Thanks for bringing this to my attention! I was fortunate to visit Maine State Prison last year which has adopted a Norway-inspired model, but I still haven't published anything on it. I need to! I will check out your writings on this. Thank you, thank you!

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I was just talking about Norway's justice system on my hike today, Suzanne. So much hope and light and emotional honesty in a system that looks toward rehabilitation.

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Sounds fascinating! I just subscribed.

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Great name! Looking forward to check out your stuff--these are such important topics. (Slightly related, I have an upcoming interview with a woman who started an organization that goes into prisons to work with the incarcerated growing plants.)

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Wow!!!!! I will look for that interview. Does the org go into state prisons or federal? It seems like so much depends on the mindset of the admin running the prison system.

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That's a question I haven't delved into yet. Just starting on research for the interview. I'll let you know and tag you in a note when the interview drops.

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Awesome! Thank you.

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Love this Beth. Following :)

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Thank you! I'm checking out your substack as well.

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Hi Beth! I look forward to reading your work. I've taught college courses in maximum security men's prison since 2011. I went in a liberal and came out a radical. It is so important to let people know that all around them are locally-run torture centers. There's nothing else to call them.

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Jan 5·edited Jan 5Liked by Sarah Fay

Ah love this! Super newbie. Studio Nuovo is my Substack, which focuses on parents and caregivers rediscovering various kinds of creativity to build their new selves. It is space where we come first.


Looking forward to learning and building and seeing all your work <3

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On my way over I love this

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Thank you ❤️❤️

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Life is creative practice! Best wishes for your Substack!

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Jan 9Liked by Sarah Fay

Thanks a ton!! ❤️❤️

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Beautiful idea! Can't wait to check it out!

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Thanks so much!!❤️

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Great title, and welcome! 🍾

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Thank you!!!

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Hi! I write Comedy, Tragedy, which is what life is like for a writer living with bipolar disorder. I’m still finding my way.


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We're all finding our way. 😊

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I just wrote that in my intro too. ☺️ Yes, finding our way, for sure.

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Powerful writing! Excited to read more.

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Thank you! I had a marvelous chocolate tartufo this past weekend!

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Hello and welcome friends. I’ve been on Substack for just over a year and still have <75 subscribers. My simple goal is to be a better writer and to attract discerning readers while exploring psychology, mental health, and personal growth in our changing world. I hope to learn more from all of you.

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John is a true Headline hero and a Substack asset!

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Truth! I've seen terrific headline suggestions from John!

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Thanks! I really have fun brainstorming new headlines.😄

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Write from your true spot.

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Welcome! My subscriber growth has been slow but steady. My Substack is also about mental health. Others (especially Sarah) are far more qualified to give you advice, but what has helped me is publishing consistently every Friday and being honest about my own mental health issues and life.

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Just read your stunning piece reframing diet culture; as a fellow psychotherapist, I nodded so hard I nearly lost my head! Have subscribed, thank you

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Thank you for this opportunity, Sarah; I'm a newbie to your community! My Substack, "The Stories We Are" is new but will be exploring trauma-sensitive writing practices to help memoir writers write their story without re-traumatising themselves in the process: https://helenerrington.substack.com/about

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Welcome. I'm heading over! 💗

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Thank you Jennifer!

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Sounds great! My Substack is about mental health and I often share personal experiences. It can be challenging not to re-traumatize myself at times!

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Thank you Wendi - I love the sound of your Substack and can identify themes we'll have cross-over on. I look forward to writing alongside you :)

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Oh, that's a wise topic to explore.

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Thank you Holly. I resonate with you love of the wild outdoors - I look forward to reading your posts :)

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Hi Helen,

I've subscribed and look forward to reading your essays. I have some trauma-sensitive subjects I've been wanting to write about. I've been working up my courage but you have hit on exactly the problem - how to write honestly and deeply without re-living the trauma!

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Thank you so much for your encouragement Cherie. Here's to a creative 2024, when we both get our essays out into the world! I look forward to writing alongside you :)

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This sounds so wonderfully helpful! Can't wait to read!

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Thank you so much Cassandra - your words have really encouraged me to get my pots written! I look forward reading your posts and writing alongside you :)

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Hello! I'm a writer/editor in Austin and I'm relatively new to Substack. The Compendium is a newsletter devoted to reading and writing. I didn't know exactly what I was doing at first, but one of my friends here described The Compendium as a newsletter about "reading as an identity" and I like that description so I'm going with it. The word "compendium" comes from a conversation with my fascinating SIL (she and my brother own a bookstore in Asheville) about my practice of keeping a commonplace book. I love how my newsletter is evolving in relation to my conversations with other bookish people. https://sarahorman.substack.com/

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Welcome Sarah. Nice titled.

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Hi Sarah, I moved to Cypress (Houston suburb) from Austin last year. Maybe we can meet in person at some point!

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Hey, Wendi, nice to meet another Texan here!

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Oh, what a gorgeous premise and newsletter! Have subscribed and really look forward to noodling about in your archives. And yes, more Anais Nin!

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Thanks Jody! More Anais Nin! I’d wear that on a t-shirt.

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I was stunned to find out this year when I was reading @SariBotton amazing memoir that my favourite Anais Nin quote "“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” isn't actually by Anais Nin!

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Whoa, I also love that quote. Who said it?

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I'll have to dig back into Sari's memoir to find the passage!

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I’m a scared Newbie plucking up courage to start posting.

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Welcome! We all have to pluck up the courage to post, even those of us who've been on here for years. You're not alone!

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Thank you

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Welcome welcome Kerry. It’s a gentle and caring place we will look after you.

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This is true for me: if I'm not scared about some aspect of an essay that I post, it means I haven't taken sufficient risk. I hope that pressing the publish button always remains scary for me!

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What a good reminder, David. These words give me welcome warmth for both the mini-essay I'll publish tomorrow but even more so a slightly longer one I'm working on for next Saturday's post. Thank you!

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Yes! Thanks for putting those words to it, because somewhere I think I’ve been waiting for fearless publishing. And now that I’ve put those words to it I can see how that was bonkers.

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Natural to be scared. Just follow the nudge.

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Hoping to read your writing soon, Kerry!

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Me too! I've been lurking for a year already, going to try and deep breath and dive in.

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Cheering you on!

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As others have said, take the plunge! Writing online is scary but liberating. It’s helped me in multiple ways.

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You've got this, Kerry! Substack is filled with welcoming publications and generous writers who champion each other's work. It's the perfect place to take heart and start posting. Welcome. :)

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Welcome Kerry! Hey, if I can write about being delivered from a demonic spirit of hate and unforgiveness and share a "most embarrassing moment" of walking out of a Burger King bathroom with toilet paper stuck in the back of my pants, YOU CAN TOO! Well, maybe not tell those SAME weird stories, but just write what's on your heart and and be your authentic self. This isn't Facebook and subscribers will love reading and getting to know the REAL you! I say GO FOR IT!

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You've already shown courage by writing that you were scared, to an audience of strangers! But you see how kind everyone is . I was *petrified.* I could not believe how scared I was. I only started in October, with the goal of posting once a month (free, always), and thenI missed December because I got COVID. I hope you'll start posting.

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👋🏻 Hi everyone! My substack, Beyond Survival, is about life after trauma. I write personal essays about things like grief, trauma and recovery, and plan to expand to include interviews and resource guides in 2024. It's lovely to virtually meet you all!

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We should connect/cross-post!

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We should! I love your newsletter name - The Shrieking Cactus communicates so much! :)

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I've read this, and it's great. A formal welcome.

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Thank you Jennifer. I love your writing too!

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Oh, your Substack sounds exactly like what I love to read!

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I hope you enjoy it Annika!

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Hello! I joined in September and turned on paid in October. I love making fun self-promotion and PR tips, so come over for that. Then stay and get cosy for creative inspiration with my personal essays that cover my solopreneur journey, midlife relocation to rural France and more..


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Just subscribed

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so welcome here thank you

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I just subscribed! I also write about relocation to a rural area (mine is wilderness in far northern Minnesota) and I'm excited to see someone else writing about something similar.

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I News to write more on that content pillar but just gearing up. How have you been finding it?

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Well I'll look forward to that! So far I've found it to be the topic that seems to get the most reader engagement, particularly when I write about it in the framework of personal essay, which has encouraged me to explore it more and make it a big focus of my publication. (I'm still figuring out what to focus on with my Substack)

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I’m still practising my personal essay writing which I think 🤔 has stopped me from doing more but it’s on the 2024 agenda.

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Welcome Welcome

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just subscribed -- very interested in slow living and can't wait to hear about what it's like to live in a rural area is MN!

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Love everything about your substack, Lucy!

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Awww thank you and a big Happy Friday to you Shelly!

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Your substack is so pretty. I could just look at it all day (and so far, I am!)

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Good wisdom here! Thanks.

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just subscribed -- very interested in expat life in Europe since we just bought land in Italy and will be doing the midlife relocation to try and live a more sane, healthy life.

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I realize I'm replying to you, Kirsten. But this message is for everyone else. Kirsten wrote this absolutely beautiful piece on life in the United States and why she's buying land in Italy: https://kirstenpowers.substack.com/p/the-way-we-live-in-the-united-states

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Aww thanks!

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For sure. I sent your piece to my siblings. We've had discussions of a move toward Italy, where our grandfather emigrated from.

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Ciao Kirsten! Molto piacere! Used to live up in the north in the lake region, Italy is one of my faves. Intrigued by your decision to move there. Also lived in France and Spain. I'm originally from Central Europe... my family emigrated to America following the dream of freedom and prosperity. That dream is pretty much dead, apparently. So now where, is the question...

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Ciao! So are you living in US now?

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Si, adesso sono in California. Similar Mediterranean climate, cost of living considerably higher lol

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Fantastic topic!

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Oh I am SO glad I found you! HELP ME PLEASE! The one area I have failed at miserably is self promotion! I am here to suck the marrow out of your brain (wait....is there even marrow in the brain?) and LEARN how to "hype myself." I once turned down an offer to appear on the Oprah Winfrey Show. Yeah, that sounds like a numbskull decision, but I stand by why I said "Sorry, but no" and will post that story in my Substack at some point. I just subscribed and can't wait to learn!

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Look forward to knowing more. I can already tell there will be great tails (pun intended)

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This looks fun, just subscribed! I have a background in marketing and love reminders of how applicable it is to writing. I also offer content about the nitty gritty of DIY authoring.

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Hello 👋 I've only been here four months so fairly new, but I love it here!

I'm Emma, an artist and illustrator from the UK. My Substack is The Creative Flock, A supportive and inspiring space for artists, illustrators, creatives and dreamers. I share my inspiration and insights, set to a monthly theme, to help others cultivate their creativity. Join the Flock!


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I look forward to checking out your Substack. We have some work in common! I'm over at THE RAFT (https://phylliscoledai.substack.com). Life is creative practice!

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Terrific title. Anything about birds and I'm in....🪶🐦‍⬛

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Hello! I write Just A Blink - personal essays about the passage of time, aging, health, mortality, retirement, and life transitions. I am getting ready to publish my third essay and plan to start posting weekly. I have MUCH to learn about Substack! https://justablink.substack.com

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Great Substack title!

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Thank you so much! And thank you for this Calling all Newbies post today! I recently subscribed to Writers at Work and am so excited to learn, learn, learn!

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Just subscribed and read your last post, which I really enjoyed. It's a wonderful tribute to Helen. I left a comment as we are of similar first-time grandparent vintage.

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Thank you so much! You are the first to comment on any of my work and it means so much to me! I have subscribed to Sparks from Culture as well and am looking forward to reading your essays. It is so nice know we have something in common and to feel so welcome. I truly appreciate your kind words!

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Love the title as well! We publish essays about aging and transitions too. Welcome to Substack, Cherie!

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Thank you so much! I have subscribed to Midstory Magazine and look forward to reading your essays!

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Cherie, welcome to Substack! I’ve just subscribed to your page and enjoyed a couple of your stories! I’m also 61, Lala to two grand babies (3.5 yrs & 7 mos). There’s nothing like it! I write at Empty Nest Joyride on similar topics, and have a story about becoming Grandma on my website (written before joining Substack), at lindahanstra.com.

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Hi Linda,

I just subscribed to your page and read your beautiful story about your Christmas Clock. I'll go back and read the one about your becoming a Grandma. It is so helpful to hear other's perspectives! Thank you!

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Thanks for subscribing, Cheri! My "Grandma" story is only on my website. Here's the link in case you are still looking for it. :) https://www.lindahanstra.com/blog/on-becoming-grandma-what-i-have-to-offer

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Thank you for that link, Linda! Wonderful story! It looks like it's dated awhile ago - how many grandchildren do you have now, and what do they call you?

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My grandson is 3 1/2 and my granddaughter is 7 months. They have brought so much joy to our whole family! My grandson calls me "Lala" or "Grandma Lala," and my husband is "Papa." :)

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Ha! I see I'm here to say what a lot of commenters are saying. Fabulous title. And I LOVE titles. Just subscribed. Excited to check out your stuff.

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Hi Holly, Thank you so much! "Just a Blink" is actually something my husband said recently - my husband who had a stroke 34 years ago and still struggles with aphasia now and then. He doesn't always express his thoughts as expected (or I should say, as I would), but it just sounded right to me and so I appreciate the validation from you and others. I've subscribed to Rolling Desk - a quick glance showed me several words that piqued my interest - off-grid van, Sonoran Desert, Alaska, laughed till I peed! I'm looking forward to reading your essays and plan to live vicariously through you!

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Oh, I like the title even better now given its sweet origin. Thanks for sharing. :)

And thanks for subscribing.

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Hi y'all! I write The Shrieking Cactus newsletter, where prickly people learn to love themselves and the world around them. Maybe even other people, too. I discuss healing after midlife trauma, finding inspiration in nature, and laughing at the absurdity of being human.


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That's great! I wrote a blog called "Blooming Cactus" for years, about being imperfect, finding hope and spirituality. I've moved on to something else now, but love the title!

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I love the title too!

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What a great name, Joy! I could also see the Shrieking Cactus as the name of a bar. Half-price margaritas during happy hour.

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Such. A. Great. Title. Looking forward to reading more.

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Ooook I'm obsessed with your title. Looking forward to checking out your work!

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Great title, Joy! I just visited Joshua Tree NP a couple of weeks ago for the first time, so I can *really* visualize your title. And a great topic for a newsletter too. Excited to read :)

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Terrific title. I just checked out your site. And another title, "Karma is Not Your Boyfriend" attracted me to this really good piece with a valuable if hard to learn lesson. https://shriekingcactus.substack.com/p/karma-is-not-your-boyfriend

And I'm so sorry about your uncle.

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Thank you!

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Love the title and the concept!

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What a brilliant title Joy! I look forward to reading your posts.

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So cool, Sarah, thank you!

Hello. I write about creating picture books, art for children, film, parenting, and other sundries. Very new here - and I have to say, I was fortunate to work with Sarah from the outset and she's so incredibly helpful. (Though if you're here, you already know that.)

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Hello. I publish stories, essays, poems and plays from the winding trail between grief and creativity. I'm a playwright, writing new things on Creative Seasoning. I joined in November. Look forward to discovering and reading more Substacks through this thread. Thanks! https://jackiedaly.substack.com

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Very cool!

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I love this. I write a lot about grief, too. There is so much rich material here, especially when connecting it to creativity and, for me, the writing life. Glad to connect!

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Thanks Penny. You’re right - there is so much to explore around grief. I’ve come to realise grief is woven from love. Glad to connect with you too. I just subscribed to Mourning Pages and look forward to reading your posts.

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Grief became my muse and led me to the writing life to Jackie. I look forward to reading your posts!

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Thanks Helen. I love that: "grief became my muse". I look forward to reading your work too.

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Hi everyone - I'm about 8 months into running a Substack newsletter, Teen Health Today (teenhealthtoday.com). I work hard to provide useful information about topics like sleep, vaping, screentime, porn, and mental health. I'm also co-writing a book for parents called TALK TO YOUR BOYS (talktoyourboys.com)

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Oooooh when will that book be available? I have a 10-year-old son. Need this!

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Spring 2025 from Workman Publishing. Thanks for your interest!

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You can sign up for updates here: https://www.talktoyourboys.com/

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My boys are young adults now but love to see a Substack dedicated to topics for teens especially teen boys.

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What a much needed topic Christopher! I am writing a YA romance /mystery and feel called to encourage and coach teen girls ages 11 to 17 about things like commitment, purity, and life purpose. I just need to finish the novel first before I move into that "calling" part. Bless you for giving back like this to help the younger generation.

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Welcome newbies! I write humor, interview Funny AF Women and am serializing my WIP novel. I love supporting writers so ask away. 🙏❤️

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You too! ❤️

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I have a question! What is an "AF Woman"? Google says it means a woman with "Atrial Fibrillation" but something tells me you wouldn't be making fun of THAT. Either way, I am subscribing because anyone who can make me laugh is worthy of my subscription!

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Haha. AF is urban slang-abbreviation for As Fuck.

Thx for subscribing!

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Oh good grief, where have I been these last 10 years? And here I was going to ask if AF was something I could buy or wear or share with others--you know, like spreading hope or joy or humour (like you do). TOO FUNNY!

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Haha! I didn't know until last year.

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Hi all! My Substack is called The Bed Perspective and you get articles and meditations about navigating chronic illness from a feminist and anti-ableist perspective. You can find it here: https://madelleine.substack.com/

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I love that you’re writing about this topic. Just subscribed!

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Great topic! I’m eager to read more.

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Yay, glad to hear it 😊

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This is a perspective the world needs more of.

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I so agree 🌸

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Great title and such an important perspective to get out into the world. I'm currently working on writing essays and poems that tackle my experiences of chronic illness and disability; it feels daunting as I've rarely opened up about that before. I look forward to reading your posts!

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How great! We need more voices in the chronic illness and disability space!

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Hi everyone - I love actually seeing/hearing from actual people so this is great. Thank you Sarah. I write a Substack called Griever's Ball — but I'm on some kind of pause or hiatus. I don't really know ... it's just a sort of stalled out moment. I absolutely love writing about death awareness and interviewing people about their pathways with grief, but .... Anyone else taken a pause with their 'stack??


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I like to think of "stalled out" as "dormant." Gathering the energies for NEXT.

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excellent reframe ~~

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Hi Laura, I just subscribed and I am looking forward to reading your archive. Wow you have produced a lot! And it is all so visually beautiful too. No wonder you need a pause!

I got so tired just thinking about starting my Substack that I had to take a break before I even sent out my first newsletter, haha.

Your topics and perspective are fascinating to me, esp. the "Griever's Dossier". As a bereaved parent I find the honesty in those interviews very meaningful.

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thank you so much for this kind and insightful reflection -- i absolutely love "No wonder you need a pause!" -- exactly the statement i didn't know i needed to hear. seriously: ty!

i took a look at your Substack (and subscribed) and I'm so humbled by the description you've given yourself and the focus and scope you're taking on. just beautiful, and i look forward to seeing how you share---i mean, no pressure whatsoever of course. thank you for being in touch --

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Hey Laura! I have hibernated a few times while posting, but trying to find a good rhythm this year. I also write about grief and loss quite a bit. Excited to subscribe to Griever's Ball!

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You have a wonderful Substack Laura. I've subscribed as a fellow explorer and writer of grief. Wishing you a restful pause :)

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thank you so much, Helen -- I appreciate that gesture, that sentiment, and that wish. xo

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Hello! Relatively new… 13 newsletters in and feeling like I’ve found my “place”. I’ve really shied away from social media, but long form writing works for me. I write Flutes Inspired at https://elisabethparry.substack.com. My big conundrum is the sense that I’m writing for a very particular niche, and I don’t see how the whole sharing love-in that is Notes is a thing for me. But maybe it is and I just don’t get it yet. So I’ve got lots to learn and I’m keen to keep improving.

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Welcome! Niche is great! You will find a large audience this way. Notes is tough. I'm still gathering intel so to speak. I do engage there. Congrats!

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You're not alone! I also struggle with figuring out Notes as well. I feel like I have the opposite problem as you have. I am writing for pet lovers, true crime lovers, mystery readers, Christians, and teenagers--so I feel like I am ALL OVER THE PLACE , unlike you whose found your "place". But, I have come to terms with just writing and posting and writing and posting figuring that those who DON'T want to read about my weirdness--like how I forgot to take my gun on my first S.W.A.T. call, my experience of being delivered of demons, or why I had a human knee cap in my freezer and dog gonads in my shed--will just hit DELETE and move on! Sometimes "niche" is great thing so that you can remain focused!

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Hello! I'm newbie in I've only just posted my first piece on Sunday (felt I needed to get it in before the new year!) and working up the courage to get my second one up today 🤞. I'm over on https://dotsconnect.substack.com/ I have a clear idea in my mind of what I want to write about but ironically still trying to find the words to describe it all.

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That last sentence is so relatable, feel that same way! Headed over to your page 😊

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Just subscribed! Excited to see what you write!

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Welcome and congrats on your new Substack! You got this!

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I can relate too. Congratulations on getting that post out before the new year!

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Welcome, Maghan! You've come to the right place. I know what you mean about description about what it's about. I'm learning that comes easier by just doing, writing the pieces living in your heart and then redefining what you're writing about, which gives you clearer access to what's in your heart, which helps you redefine. It's quite a beautiful feedback loop. Just saved your first post to read during my allotted reading time. ;) Looking forward to checking it out.

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First of all, *great* title. I knew what you were referring to, but not exactly what you'd be talking about, so that was intriguing rather than off-putting. Second, you write beautifully! Here we are, able to stand up in front of people and talk, and yet writing a Substack newsletter is terrifying. I'm trying to post once a month (free), but missed December thanks to our buddy COVID. I hope you'll keep going. I could hardly breathe by the time I was ready to post each time -- not because of COVID, but because of anxiety!

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Hi there! Big Dave here. When I discovered the ketogenic diet as a way to help manage my epilepsy, I became passionate about all things food, wellness and brain health. That’s when I started The Unremarkable Brain, which led to the publication of my first book (My Unremarkable Brain) and continues every week. I’m new to Writers at Work and I’m excited about exploring and expanding in the new year!

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Congrats! You and @alisakennedyjones oughta know each other. She has two stacks: @theempress and @gothamgirl She wrote a memoir about being diagnosed with epilepsy at the age of 40. She is also going thru a trying time rn.

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Thanks! She’s a great writer - I didn’t know she was on here!

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Hi David! I just subscribed as I'm currently on a journey to break my sugar addiction. Looking forward to reading what you've learned, especially about brain health! Blessings to you!

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Thank you for subscribing! Sugar addiction is real, for sure. If you’re not familiar with Dr Rob Cywes, check out his YouTube channel. He has a really interesting perspective.

I love your Substack title. I look forward to reading your adventures!

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Thank you David! I have not heard of Dr. Cywes but WILL check it out. I am following the "Bright Line Eating" course where I have recognized my illness / addiction, have cut out sugar and flour, set up "bright lines" and made a personal commitment to NOT cross them. It was shocking to learn that sugar is more addictive than heroin AND that it is harder to kick than drugs because it is everywhere and very hard to eat things that do NOT contain sugar. When I think about never having another Starbucks sugary potently strong cup of coffee or never having Almond Roca ever again, I CAN'T HANDLE IT! But when I say to myself, "TODAY I will not have those sugary things, and I will live my today TODAY and not focus on tomorrow." I previously lost 36 pounds in BLE but gained it all back when I relapsed for almost a year of binging on sugar/flour things. I just can't believe it took me so many years to RECOGNIZE that I have a "problem." I look forward to learning from you David! :)

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Hi writers! I'm technically not a newbie because I've been on Substack for the past three years, but I started over with a new publication a few weeks ago: Give Me An Hour! (https://givemeanhour.substack.com/) It was initially called "The Witching Hour" but it wasn't really evocative.

My goal is to help writers, especially writers with a day job (like me), be more productive and achieve their writing goals. I also share occasional screenwriting and podcast writing advice, essays, and pictures of my cat.

Looking forward to reading everyone's intros!

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How is it going with 2 Substacks and a podcast? (And a partridge in a pear tree? Yes, I said it.) Is the juggling doable?

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I just subscribed for both the writing advice and the CAT PHOTOS! :)

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I’m not sure if I’m a veteran or newbie at this point, but I’ve been writing consistently on Substack since September. I’m a writer, teacher and itinerant pet sitter. My Substack is called The Chaotic Reader and publishes book reviews, writing advice, artist interviews, and whatever else I’m interested in. Nothing is paywalled at the moment, but my hope is to introduce that later this year. I’ve got a new interview with author Ann Hood coming out later today!


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Hi, Marissa! I look forward to checking out your Substack. I'm a multi-genre author over at THE RAFT (https://phylliscoledai.substack.com). I'd be happy to explore the possibility of an interview, if you're interested. My author website: https://phylliscoledai.com

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Hi Phyllis, I definitely am! Thanks for reaching out. Just subscribed and will message you about a possible upcoming interview!

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I love the title (and concept) of your Substack, Marissa. I write a lot about books and reading, too, but I live for interviews with authors so I am pretty excited to check out The Chaotic Reader.

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Thanks Penny! When I was trying to think of how to organize my Substack, I realized my brand is I have no brand: I have too many interests to focus on just one thing. Kudos to the folks that can - I get distracted too easily! I know a lot of writers so there will definitely be more author interviews in the future.

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I remember the first time I heard "author" and "brand" in the same sentence and thought WTF?? We're supposed to be commodities like cars and handbags now? Good for you for following your interests and having no brand.

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PS - My 29 year old was diagnosed a few years ago with the same type EDS you have. Loved what you said about the pain scale. I'm always baffled by that thing. Being in the labor with that baby 29 years ago is off that chart, and having a broken wrist was (1) compared with being in labor. So.

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I'm so glad she was able to get diagnosed! Even with a care team that believed me, it still took me a year to get a confirmed diagnosis. Even though there's not much 'to be done,' it's still just a relief to know what's going on.

And I'll be honest - I hate the idea of marketing and branding, but I think it can come in handy in some ways. Namely, helping readers figure out if they'd be interested in reading my own work. As much as I hate it, it is helpful to look at someone's profile/Substack/YouTube/Social Media/whatever and get a clear glimpse of who they are and what they're interested in. It makes it much easier to decide if I want to stick around! But otherwise yeah - I am inherently suspicious of branding.

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Hello all! I'm Sabrina. I've been writing Diary of a Modern Solopreneur (https://diaryofamodernsolopreneur.substack.com) for the past 3 months. It's all about navigating being a modern solopreneur in the digital age. I share personal stories and experiences, interviews to highlight and share insights from other solopreneurs, and practical tips for achieving joy, longevity, and success as a solopreneur.

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Sounds helpful!

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Thank you! Just saw you are also into astrology :) I'll start posting more about that soon!

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Please do! I mainly post with the lunar cycles and discuss a little about the energy. I'm not an astrologer, but I'm super into it to help guide me.

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Same! I studied Vocational Astrology last year and loved it. I think it can help many people in their professional path, so that is what I will talk about in more depth :)

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Hi all! I created my Substack in September, so I am still fairly new. My publication is What is Woven In, where I write about creative living, art making (I am a tapestry weaver and fiber artist), and living in a remote and wild area in northern Minnesota. I just went from publishing every two weeks to weekly, and I am working on honing in on what I really want this space to become and ways to serve my readers. So happy to be a part of this community.


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Hi, Emily! I look forward to checking out your Substack. We have some work in common! I'm over at THE RAFT (https://phylliscoledai.substack.com). Life is creative practice! Where in northern MN are you? I live in SD and my college-age son did a summer internship at Tettegouche last year. Gorgeous country.

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Hi Phyllis! That is so great your son got to spend a summer on the North Shore! I live about an hour further up, just past Grand Marais. It really is beautiful up here. I just subscribed the The Raft, I look forward to reading!

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Wow, you ARE WAY UP THERE! North Shore is great. Love to camp and hike there. Thanks for subscribing—I'll be interested in your take on The Raft. I'll likely to subscribe to your Stack too but am distracted at the moment by other work. Best wishes.

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Congrats! Your niche sounds like a great draw for folks interested in art.

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Thank you so much!

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Emily, hi! I love visiting and writing about remote and wild places. Looking forward to checking out your Substack, especially the piece on ice skating and then the one on moving north with the fabulous moose photo! Here's a mini essay I wrote on a wonderful encounter in the remote Yukon. https://hollystarley.substack.com/p/not-alone

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Hi Holly! Amazing, I can't wait to read your essay! Thanks for sharing and for saying hi :)

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Hello! Brand spanking new & creating a stack :what's valuable, choice, and building out. I am an (antique)intuitive wellness coach

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"Antique"?! ="valuable"! Hi, Carole! I look forward to checking out your Substack. Some of my work on THE RAFT (https://phylliscoledai.substack.com) might be useful to you with your clients/readers in your intuitive wellness coaching.

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Very cool! Congrats on your Stack!

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Hi, I'm new here, writing since October at https://www.thisverymoment.com/

I'm a former startup founder, current meditation teacher, dad, executive coach & volunteer EMT, sharing personal essays, learnings, and practices to bring a greater sense of aliveness, compassion, and feeling good enough. I've navigated lots of grief, trauma, and anxiety, and want to share some of the things that pulled and continue to pull me through. (I need to work on my elevator pitch. 😂)

I love the community aspect of Substack, so am looking forward to subscribing to and reading what you're all up to.

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Your elevator pitch worked for me! I've subscribed and I'm looking forward to reading your essays!

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Thank you, Cherie! Likewise, looking forward to reading Just a Blink.

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Best wishes for your work, Rob!

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Thank you, Phyllis! 🙏 The Raft looks excellent. Love the intersection of the arts and spiritual practice.

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For me, the arts ARE spiritual practice. 😊

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You've got a wonderfully varied background! Congrats on starting your stack!

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This Very Moment! I'm a sucker for titles, and that's a good one. So is "Don't Just Do Something, Sit There." I'm excited to check out your Substack.

The community aspect is such an amazing part of Substack. It's hard to overstate what a valuable thing it is to find and prop up and engage with writers whose hearts and minds and words you fall in love. My stuff is all free, but paying is an option for readers who want to support. A small handful have. Two, in their comments about why mentioned my community building, and I was quite moved by that recognition.

I'm hosting my second community create together Zoom gathering on January 21. Tomorrow's post will include a link. All are welcome. Here's a short essay I wrote for the first Zoom on why I'm hosting the gatherings. https://hollystarley.substack.com/p/meet-ruby-the-van-on-zoom-and-create

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Holly I feel so bad that I've been out of touch the past 2 weeks. I THANK YOU for recommending my Substack and for adding it into one of your posts also about must reads. I mean to connect with you (and to connect with more Substackers) but I've just been SLAMMED with so much going on that I can barely keep up with my own posts. Hope to connect with you again soon!

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No worries at all, my friend!! So. Much. To. Keep. Up. With. We do our best. Anytime is the perfect time to respond as far as I'm concerned. Much love and fortune your way. Looking forward to connecting whenever the stars and our busy calendars say it's time. ;)

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Yes my friend! Blessings to you on your AMAZING travels around North America!

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I joined Substack in October as well, and I love the community here. I look forward to reading you!

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Hello All! James Ron here with my 'stack Before I Forget . . I write mainly memoir but also post stories I make up. All free. Stop by for a read at https://jamesron.substack.com/ Thank you!

I've been on Substack just over a year. Welcome newbies. You'll like it here. Thanks, Sarah!

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Hi, James! Just jumped over to your Stack. Excited to check out your work. "No Name" caught my eye. I flagged it to read when my allotted reading time comes at last, as well as "Jimmy Swann - Company is Coming." (I often live nomadically and write about it, so I zoned in on the photo for that one. ;) Here's a look inside the van I currently call home. https://hollystarley.substack.com/p/look-inside-the-rolling-desk-aka)

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Hello Holly! I hope you enjoy the reads. What a neat camper. Sounds like you are having a fine time. We have a Chevy Express van and will be traveling/camping in it in a year or so. Not sure I would do it full time but the nomad life appeals to me. Can't wait. Thanks for writing!

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Thanks, Jon. Will love to hear how the van travels go when they come about.

Yes, it's worked quite well for me for now. Nothing's permanent is a key driver of my life. :)

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Hello Sarah and Substack writers! I'm fairly new to Substack but not new to writing. My Substack is called The Cosmic Yes (https://thecosmicyes.substack.com/). My intention is to share my words, stories and sacred practices to offer a few moments of comfort, a soft place to land, a quiet respite from the sharp edges of the world, some medicine to calm the nervous system while gently feeding and nourishing your Soul.

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Hey, Victoria! I look forward to checking out your Substack. We have some work in common! I'm over at THE RAFT (https://phylliscoledai.substack.com). Life is creative practice!

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Hi Phyllis! It's great to connect with you. I'll check out your Substack as well.

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Lovely. Welcome and congrats!

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Hello! I'm as newbie as they come on substack. I am still looking for my direction, but in the meantime, I write about creativity, friendship, and loss. Currently writing a novel where friendship is at the core.


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Welcome and congrats! Will you be serializing your novel? Sarah encouraged me and I started serializing 1 chapter per month (less pressure) of my WIP. All the best to you.

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Thank you! I am actually going through some of the documentation on Sarah's stack to see if I should or not. :)

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Happy 2024! Very new ~2 months in to writing Grade 17 (aka adulting) and my goal is to grow this space writing about those career coffee chats & happy hour deep convos when navigating our 9-5+ lives. Work, relationships, & vulnerability ☕️💭📆


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Hi Everyone! I just started publishing last October and have found Substack really fun and supportive! I also just had a one-on-one with Sarah this week (highly recommend!) which was extremely valuable - thank you Sarah! My Substack is about "My search for beauty. Reflections of an unlikely Muslim convert" and I just posted a new piece about 30 minutes ago entitled, "Life Lessons from Old Doggies, Ode to Oso, Part I: Aging and Death in the Age of Genocide." I write about seeking beauty and meaning in our world, and share stories to educate about ethics, beauty, and humanism in the Islamic tradition from my lens as someone who, at the end of my own search for faith, purpose, and meaning, against all likelihood, chose Islam. Hope you will check it out! :) In grace and song: gracesong@substack.com

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Hi writers! Mine is Mission-Driven: Leading with Courage in an Uncertain World. It’s a dive into how courage can help us do good things in crazy times. My challenge: slow growth that has come basically from people stumbling on it. Welcome suggestions!!

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Congrats on your stack! I know folks love the self improvement angle. Seek out similar stacks and engage in the comments. My favs are @donnamcarthur and @kimvanbruggen. Also, you will learn a lot at the Thursday morning Substack office hours.

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Hello friends! My Substack is If I Die. https://ifidie.substack.com My musings on motherhood + a legacy of words. I’m a memoirist working on my first fiction project this year. I’ve been on Substack for just a few months, but I’ve been writing online for more than 15 years. I’m trying to find my people and grow my subscribers both paid and unpaid in 2024.

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I love your title! I've subscribed and can't wait to read your essays!

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Are you in Florida?! Orlando here! Looking forward to following along!!

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Yes! Orlando as well! I’m doing a book signing at Joybird on the 28th 🙃 come on down!

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That’s awesome! Will definitely try!! 🥳

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Hi Laura; Congrats on being here! I'm working on my first fiction project as well. I started serializing it on my stack.

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I looooove this idea. I’m still in a heavy research phase, but I love the idea of serializing it.

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Wait. I just read your description. My twins were preemies too! 27 weekers. I wrote about my experience in an interview @athrivingmomsnewsletter.

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Moms of extremely premature twins unite! My memoir is about my traumatic entry into motherhood at 22 weeks 5 days gestation 🫠🫠🫠

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Wow. Extra preemie sweeties. They are miracles. 🙏

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Fabulous title! What a great voice you have on the page.

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Hi all, I'm relatively new to substack. I've set up my newsletter but so far I've only imported my old blog posts from my website. I'm due to send my first newsletter on Tuesday next week which is called From One Stroke Survivor To Another. As a stroke survivor and yoga teacher I'm talking all things stroke recovery and about my personal journey of having a stroke at the age of 35. I'm hoping to build a community of stroke survivors where we can all share experiences, help each other through the bad days and celebrate the wins. I don't really consider myself a writer but it's been something that I've been drawn to after having my stroke. You can find my substack at https://thestrokewellbeingcoach.substack.com

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My husband had a stroke at age 27 and just turned 62 on Monday. I've subscribed and can't wait to read your newsletter!

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I'm sorry to hear your husband had a stroke so young, pleased to hear he is living a long life though - many belated happy returns to your husband! I'm nearly 3 years post stroke now. Thank you for subscribing, it means so much to me 🙏🏻

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Hi everyone!

My name is Aleshia Moyamba, creator of the Faith is...newsletter. A newsletter for folks who want to share, explore, and honor how faith appears in our daily lives.

I launched a little over a month ago.

Happy to be here!


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Hello & Happy New Year to all! Thank you for doing this, Sarah!

I'm new to this community and have been publishing articles and a podcast on Substack since August as Moving into Spirit @ Elk Mountain Wellness! My primary focus is helping parents transform anxiety into peace through yoga and meditation practices, art, tarot...

So many incredible authors commenting here! Looking forward to following new voices! ❤️

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Hi Michelle!

Subscribing now. I'm a new parent and open to all the things that reduce anxiety.

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Yay! Congrats on becoming a new parent! It’s a wonderful, beautiful, difficult place to be!! Sending much love! ✨💖

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Your somatic and creative approach is so important. Glad you are here, Michelle!

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Welcome and hello! I host drawing sessions and write about creativity, art materials, and all fun and sometimes awkward stages of an art journey. https://www.introvertdrawingclub.com/

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Drawing sessions?! Way fun. Just subscribed.

Would love tips on hosting. How's it going? Do you use Zoom? Will be hosting my second monthly community Zoom on Jan 21. Here's my mini essay about why I'm hosting the gatherings. https://hollystarley.substack.com/p/meet-ruby-the-van-on-zoom-and-create

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I do use Zoom! I connected it to Luma and have folks register, so it'll send them a reminder and option to add it to their calendar. It's a great service and free to use. It's been super helpful!

You're welcome to join the next one I'm hosting if you're available! It's on Monday, January at 12pm CST if you want to have look at how I run them. The invite comes in the Introvert Drawing Club welcome email.

Oh, and I send a list of online events every Sunday. I'd love to include your in my weekly roundup of online sessions closer to the 21!

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Beth, that would be wonderful. Thanks! I’ll send you a reminder closer to. ♥️

In the meantime, thanks for the tip about Luma. I will check it out. And I’ve registered for the Monday session. Looking forward to it. :)

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Hello Writers! Great to see all this creativity. I am adding subscriptions to read! I write Cultivating Soul, which is about practices for spiritual growth and insight. This year I'm starting a new writing project called "Conversations as Spiritual Practice." I will explore how to deepen conversations; small talk, dinner, parties, group dialog, politics, and how to have hard conversations. Each week I'm having at least one intentional conversation with someone, not work related, and keeping a log of what I learn. I will post my progress every Wednesday. (Volunteers who want to have a good conversation about anything are welcome!). I'm a progressive, contemplative, Christian minister living on the Maine coast, and post my sermons on Sundays.

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I’m in! Thanks for this!

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Just became a subscriber Todd. Blessings to you!

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Hi All and thanks Sarah, Newbie here too! I write travelogues and reflections on retirement living with a focus on snowbirds. If you know someone who heads to warmer climates in the winter, let me know so I can feature them in my weekly Snowbird Stories.


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Hi Deb; My mom is a snowbird. NY--FL. Let me know if you're interested in speaking with her.

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That would be awesome CK, I’d love to interview her! Let me know if she’s game and how to get in touch with her.

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I will ask if I can give you her email. 🙏🥰 She has a lot of friends who are snowbirds too.

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Already a subscriber to Season of the Soul. You all, this terrific piece "Between Alberta and Montana, the World’s First International Peace Park" is a lovely show of how Deb moves the world and why you should subscribe!

Deb, I often move to warmer climes during winter, and as I just saw overnight lows of 16 forecasted for next weekend, I can't help but ask myself, Now what were you thinking? Ha!

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Aww thank you Holly, I appreciate the kind words! Well, here in southern AZ the overnight lows forecast in the 30s and down to the 20s next week.

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Oh, I remember the surprise of encountering those temperatures in southern AZ the first year I took Ruby the van down there. I woke up one February in the Sonoran Desert to the water bottle by the side of my bed frozen and realized I needed to rethink my overnight heating plans. :)

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My landlord and his wife are snowbirds. They are in Mexico now and the other 1/2 of the year live here on Vancouver Island, BC. He is a retired CPA and his wife swims daily, even in cold lakes when here in Canada but also daily in Mexico in the ocean. Their names are Chris and Marilyn. Did you want me to put them in touch with you?

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That would be wonderful, yes please do!

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Hi everyone!! I'm excited to discover some new newsletters today!!

I have a newsletter, dialoguing, which I've pitched (so far, open to suggestions) as a place for the musings of an off-duty psychotherapist 🙋🏼‍♀️who can't stop thinking about how to deepen, strengthen, and widen the care for oneself and each other. I also have an accompanying podcast I do with my husband each week where we dissect the newsletter from the week, along with comings and goings of our lives and our marriage. I've covered topics like body neutrality, radical acceptance, dopamine, parenting struggles, codependency and self-doubt.


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Hi Kaitlyn! Thanks for sharing. I'm writing about how I'm processing life meaningfully and soulfully. I think you and I are in sync! Check it out! https://jenniferbochik.substack.com/

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Hi Jennifer!! I’m so looking forward to reading your work and connecting. 💖

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Oh, fascinating topic, Kaitlyn. One of my besties is a psychotherapist, and I LOVE dialoguing with her about these (and of course many other) topics. :) Just flagged "born on a feeling" to check out during my allotted reading hour.

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Awww yay-hi!! So flattered you’re checking it out. I just explored your newsletter, as well! My parents have been doing the RV life (which imagine is different from van life in many ways and similar. A Venn diagram, so to speak) which has been so amazing to experience just as a visitor. The foibles, the awe, the expanse of being out in the elements. Excited to check out your work. 💕

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For sure a Venn diagram. I have, over the years, formed a road family, so to speak. One couple I camp with whenever we're in the same woods has this fabulous RV. We often meet at each other's front porches for sunset happy hours. Once, the wind chased us inside to there's, and the spaciousness was--I'll just say wow. Ha!

Thanks, Kaitlyn! Hope all continues to go well for you and your parents!

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Hi! I’m new around these parts, just launched in November. I’m working on a serial memoir, short, personal pieces about family trauma, cancer, and finding hope in unexpected places. I'm also starting two other weekly posts called Image Playground and The Best Things I Read This Week.


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Hi, I'm Lloyd. I've been on Substack for about 9 months (but I'd still say I'm a newbie!). I write about travel & migration. And I run writing retreats in Italy. https://thewritinggrove.substack.com/

Nice to see all the people here!

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Yay! Love to find a fellow travel writer. And I'll likely be in Italy in early 2025. Just subscribed to the writing grove. Looking forward to checking out your stuff.

Here's one of my favorite travel pieces from a backpacking walkabout I did on the US East Coast awhile back. (I'll be posting another essay from the same trip not tomorrow but the next week.) https://hollystarley.substack.com/p/empty-and-full-on-a-northbound-greyhound

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Thanks, Holly. looking forward to reading your work!!

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Newbie here as well! Your retreats look incredible and I spend quite a bit of time in Amsterdam these days as well. Subscribed!

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You had me at the picture of the due torre in Bologna, one of my favorite cities in the world.

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Bologna will always be special to me! I had my first Italian (language & cooking) lessons there and met a lot of wonderful people :)

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Hi all! My Substack is called It’s a Thing. https://lindseysalatka.substack.com/ I post monthly, mostly about writing events in San Diego because people were telling me they were missing the events I oversee. But I also started a Substack podcast (just to see if I could do it) where I interview authors, and it has been so fun for me!

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Jan 5·edited Jan 5

Hi Everyone! l started on Substack in early November and right now am focusing on writing a serialized memoir about my former life as an Evangelical.

Looking forward to this space to connect with each other and learn!

My Substack is State of Wonder: https://constanceford.substack.com/

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Subscribed! I was raised Mormon. I'm also (kind of) serializing a trek I took up the US East Coast a while back. (I say kinda cuz they're a series of stand-alone essays chronicling the same journey.) So I'm intrigued by State of Wonder.

The second installment of my serial journey will come out not tomorrow but next Saturday. Here's the first. https://hollystarley.substack.com/p/empty-and-full-on-a-northbound-greyhound

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Cool!! I'm subscribing back and looking forward to your work!

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