One of the Top 5 Literature Substacks globally. Join the most amazing community of 17,000+ active members ready to help you succeed on Substack.

You’re so, so wise to be here.

Most people on Substack never get traction.

They spin in confusion, overwhelm, and doubt.

You deserve

  • expert guidance,

  • proven strategies,

  • clarity and confidence,

  • so you can build a Substack that grows.


  • someone privately advised by Substack and

  • a professional Substack Strategist helping thousands of Substackers double and triple their subscribers, substantially increase their revenue, and get real engagement.

✦ Get the premium membership:

  • The best monthly Substack Mastery Workshops to eliminate Substack confusion and overwhelm

  • Exclusive weekly guidance delivered to your inbox to give you confidence in your Substack

  • Notes Networking events, pop-up threads, the members-only chat in the Substack Writers at Work app, and our private podcast on Apple and Spotify so you don’t feel alone

  • Interviews with other experts and the Substack team to ensure you’re on the right track

  • The members-only, on-demand library workshops to give you the how-to’s of Notes, paid strategies, and how to write posts that go viral to boost your Substack with recommendations

There’s a monthly option, but I encourage you to commit to your Substack for one year with my teaching.

Substack takes time to build momentum.

  • I offer a savings of 44% off the annual membership, so you have time to get subscribers, boost your income, and build a Substack that will grow.

  • $80/year until 8/1. Then it goes up to $95/year.

You and your Substack are worth it.

✦ Free subscribers are cherished and receive occasional posts.

About me

In a nutshell, I’m 

  • the founder and director of Substack Writers at Work,

  • the creator of two bestselling Substack publications, 

  • a private Substack Strategy Consultant, 

  • a Substack Product Lab member, 

  • an award-winning, bestselling HarperCollins author, 

  • a former advisory editor at The Paris Review

  • a freelance writer for The New York Times, etc.,

  • a member of the creative writing faculty at Northwestern University, and

  • a lover of all things cats and Substack. 

Most of all, I'm deeply invested in helping you use Substack to achieve your financial, professional, and personal goals. 

I also hold many degrees: M.F.A., M.A., Ph.D. My debut memoir Pathological: The True Story of Six Misdiagnoses (HarperCollins) was an Apple Best Books pick and hailed in The New York Times. Read the sequel, Cured: The Memoir, and my author Substack, Less and Less of More and More.

Based in Chicago, I live with my two beloved cats, Baby Theo and Sweets. More than anything, I want a t-shirt that says, Ask me about my cats. (All typos are Baby Theo’s fault.)

Tabby cat sleeping and white Ragdoll call sitting on a desk chairTabby cat sleeping and white Ragdoll call sitting on a desk chair
Sleeping on the job—my assistants, Sweets (left) and Baby Theo (right)

You can’t find this level of expertise, mentoring, and community anywhere else.

Let’s do this.


P.S. I offer 1-to-1 personalized guidance. Your Substack and my expertise. My clients get results—doubling/tripling subscribers, boosting revenue, and attaining Featured Substack status.

Book a meeting with Sarah Fay Writers at Work

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  • I subsidize a 3-month paid membership for anyone on a fixed income. If this is you, email me:

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✦ The only expert guide to Substack—from a private Substack Growth Strategist ✦ Eliminate overwhelm and frustration, tap into the Substack network, and grow


Substack Growth Strategist | Bestselling creator of Substack Writers@Work | Author @ HarperCollins | Faculty @ Northwestern University | Lover of all things cats and Substack