❒ ProWriter Editing and Coaching

So wonderful to have you here.

You have a book in progress or other writing you know needs to be in the world and in readers’ hands.

Likely, you’re struggling to produce writing that readers (and perhaps agents and editors) really want to read and keep reading. What you know it could be and what it is don’t align—yet.

I love turning aspiring writers into pros (whatever that means to you)—and saving you time and money in the process.

These private mentoring sessions are an exclusive opportunity to work closely with me on your writing. Most of my clients write on Substack—the best place to learn to write on the job—but that isn’t necessary.

It’s time to be the writer you’re meant to be.

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❒ ProWriter Mentorship

This is the most efficient, effective, and personalized way to become a pro.

⇢ Three exclusive sessions | 30 minutes | Zoom

Each session, we take a broad view, so you come away knowing how to

  • produce writing worthy of traditional publishing and media,

  • edit your own work so you stop relying on the opinions of others who likely know as little as you do,

  • maintain a writing process that’s almost effortless, and

  • publish with confidence.

How it works

  • In each 30-minute Zoom meeting, we’ll go over a piece of writing—maximum 1200 words.

  • You’ll submit it to me via a link to Google Docs twenty-four hours before our meeting.

  • Three sessions: $750.

I also work with people ongoing.

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Working with Sarah over these weeks has been my secret weapon for my writing—both on and off Substack. And I had so much fun doing it. I walked away from every meeting knowing how I wanted to improve and excited to work on the upcoming week's exercises—exercises that were specific to my needs. Best of all, every exercise helped me improve that week’s piece. After these sessions, I feel more confident in my writing and I know how to continue improving as a writer. I can honestly say she sped up my learning curve by years.” —Latham Turner

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⇢ What qualifies me to do this?

(You should always ask this of anyone you work with.)

  • The fifteen years I’ve spent teaching creative writing in the best MFA programs in the country (The University of Iowa, Northwestern University, etc.)

  • The writing and publicizing of my memoir Pathological: The True Story of Six Misdiagnoses (HarperCollins)

  • My twenty years as a freelance journalist for The New York Times, Oprah Daily, The Paris Review, and many other media outlets

  • My M.F.A. in creative writing and Ph.D. in Literature

  • The many conversations I’ve had with the amazing people who run Substack—I want to share with you the advice they’ve given me

My master plan is to make Substack the literary epicenter of the universe. That means helping you produce your best work and get paid (very well) to do it.

The sooner more of us are out there charging for our exceptional work, the sooner the public will get used to paying for our ideas and words; agents and editors will look to Substack to find the next big author to sign; and writing will become a viable, income-earning profession again.

⇢ A bit more about me

My debut memoir Pathological: The True Story of Six Misdiagnoses (HarperCollins) was an Apple Best Books pick and hailed in The New York Times as a “fiery manifesto of a memoir.”

I’m currently serializing the sequel, Cured, right here on Substack.

I write for many publications, including Oprah Daily, The New York Times, The New Republic, The Los Angeles Times, The Atlantic, Time Magazine, and The Paris Review, where I was an advisory editor. I’m the recipient of the Hopwood Award for Literature and grants and fellowships from Yaddo, the Mellon Foundation, and the MacDowell Colony, among others.

I live in Chicago with my two beloved cats, Mr. Sweets and Baby Theo. More than anything, I want a t-shirt that says, Ask me about my cats.

Baby Theo (left) and Sweets (right) hard at work on their new book

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